Stoner Aquarius those who know you may call you many things: Independent, cleverly quirky, determined, and assertive. One word that will never be used to describe is conformist. No, you dance to the beat of your own unique drum. You blaze the smoky trails others are too unimaginative or too timid to traverse. Be sure to plan out the itinerary for your March travels early in the month. Although you are a spontaneous, and a free-spirited wild child, your fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts may not always be so adventurous. As long as your partners in chronic know where they’re strolling, and know what you’re smoking, they will be down to brave the trip with you.
My stoner Water-Bearer, you don’t have to wait for the new season to make meaningful moves. If you’ve been contemplating a career change, or applying for a position higher up in your current company, go for it! You have the intellect, charm, and ability to make it to the next level; and help to raise up the rest of the team too. Even if you are feeling good with where you are in your career stoner Aquarius, there’s nothing wrong with a side hustle to help you earn a little more green. Whether your motivation is more money, or simply the satisfaction of creating something, you have the potential this month to turn your passion projects into profit. Toke time with the sacred herb to contemplate your place in the grand scheme of our economic machine. While your creative energy might be at an all time high, and you have an abundance of ideas you could pursue, pick your top two or three ideas, and focus on those. If you don’t narrow your focus, and actually start creating, you may reach the end of the month with nothing to show but daydreams and big ideas.
Stoner Aquarius you will feel your energy and optimism swell until they finally overflow on the Spring equinox. The last ten days of March you might find yourself overwhelmed, but in a good way. With so many ideas for creative endeavors, and seemingly infinite desire to manifest them, don’t forget to make time to just unwind. Lighting up a fresh bowl with your closest cannabis companions can help to calm the mind, and restore the spirit. And those hazy conversations in smoke filled rooms at night may just spark clear inspiration for your next grand undertaking ahead.