Stoner Aquarius July will be full of passionate plays and frustrated expectations; but with the sacred herb as your copilot, the month will produce wonderful memories and steady progress. There are clear cosmic diliniations of influence this month. Cosmic influence will change with each ten day period. Thus, my herbally enhanced Stoner Horoscope will be broken down into trimesters.
The first trimester of July could be the brightest period. The planetary alignment should produce a frenetic and lovely pace to start the month. But don’t lean into this cosmic vibe with an energetic Sativa strain of the sacred herb. Instead, fill your pipe with an Indica or balanced hybrid cannabis strain. Use the sacred herb to slow down the passionate moments to feel them more. Live life out loud, and enjoy your cannabis companions with depth of feeling. Don’t rush anything good!
The cosmic energy changes after the first trimester. Now is the time to lean on the energetic strengths of Sativa strains. There will be work to be done, emotionally and physically, in the second trimester. Use the Sativa strain of the sacred herb as a catalyst to conquer these challenges thoroughly. Personal drama, and workplace tasks can’t be left alone to fester. Think it through with a contemplative mind, but attack problems and issues. The sacred herb will be your third eye guide.
The final trimester of July is a mixed bag of universal influence, and you can adjust your cannabis consumption accordingly. The requirement for this period will be to stay positive. No matter the challenges that spill over from the second trimester, all issues will have solutions and resolution. Maintain a PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) to assist in overcoming challenges. Manifest positive resolutions stoner Aquarius. Cosmic destiny assures you exit the month of July as you came into it: With a pep in your step, and a bright shine in your heart.