Stoner Aquarius, although summer may be a long way off, this February will have you feeling all the energies the Sun has to offer. Stay focused and you will wander far in your travels across the universe, so avoid wandering aimlessly. It will be a memorable month as long as you make your plans ahead of hitting the trail. Remember this and the world will be yours for the taking. And after you make it to your final destination be sure to enjoy that blunt, joint or pipe; because, once your work is done you will have plenty of time to space out and watch the smoke swirl.
The workplace will be no less smooth sailing Aquarius. If you are able to remain flexible you will be able to avoid stress even amidst chaotic events. Even with all of your planning, sometimes things veer off course. Everything will be okay as long as you don’t lose your cool. And there should be no reason to. When the unexpected pops up and tries to harsh your mellow, just take a moment to redirect your efforts. You still will reach all your goals even if the route wasn’t the one you originally thought.
When the opportunities arise be sure to invite friends to help you burn (or vape) that bowl. If you have a special significant stoner in your life, don’t forget to include them in your sessions. With as busy as you’ll be this month it will be important to keep your lover in the loop. This person might be your best bud, but they will feel a little neglected if you don’t include them as part of your plans. If you are able to do this, you and yours will have an amazingly positive month ahead.