Aquarius December Horoscope

Aquarius December Horoscope

Stoner Aquarius all things lead to an apex. Cosmic influence will send you toward your own apex of achievement this December. This is your time to blaze! Particularly in the attainment of education and knowledge. There is a fine bowl of your favorite soothing strain in your immediate future. Toke a moment early this month to medicate and meditate. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to wash away unease, and to center yourself for the journey ahead. It’s time to reach for the stars stoner Aquarius. It’s time to invest in yourself! Whether it is new talents or new skills, improving the self is the theme of the month. Even if December starts out with a little turbulence, don’t let a few frigid cosmic gusts keep you from soaring amongst the stars.

Stoner Aquarius your glass collection didn’t appear overnight. Each piece was hand selected. It took a keen eye, a plan, and time to build such greatness! Remember this on your journey, as to not “overspend” on your journey of self-improvement. Do not pack more than you can smoke. Balance is the way forward! Nugs of knowledge can be gained step by step, and piece by piece.

Stoner Aquarius you should stick to what you know in the work sphere. This isn’t to say you can’t be excited, blazing a path to glory! It’s to say that the excitement and improvements are to be directed internally rather than externally. Do what you do best, and avoid stepping out of your competent comfort zone.

Deep internal issues may come to the surface in December. Running from them will only leave you out of breath when they emerge again. Avoidance will also deny a cosmic blessing in disguise! Whatever surfaces from the depths you must face, accept, and move forward with it. Consider sharing with your closest cannabis companion. It’s okay to share our burdens and allow others to help! And sometimes, stoner Aquarius, you are the one helping just by showing you care enough to share!

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