Aries Stoner Horoscope July

Aries Stoner Horoscope July

Stoner Aries you will begin the summer feeling as fiery as ever!  You are still experiencing the afterglow of a sweetly successful June, and you are ready for more!  After the first week you may notice these feelings of satisfaction dim, but don’t worry.  It would be unreasonable to maintain such a fervent sprint for the entire month.  Instead, find a more sustainable pace, and move through July at a steady slow-burn.  You’re playing the long-game stoner Aries.  Budget your efforts, and energy, so you can keep the good vibes flowing until Fall.  

There will always be the urge to second guess, to reexamine recently completed projects, and notice something you could have done better.  Don’t dwell on what could have been done differently stoner Aries; instead use lessons learned to improve the outcomes of future endeavors.  And remember, not all work is done on the clock.  Brainstorm with a fresh bowl at home. Seeking herbal inspiration during downtime could be the secret sauce for success at work.  While there are times to smoke in order to find solid ground, this season, cannabis will help to catapult you to a higher vantage point.  From this ten thousand foot view, you will be able to better see the bigger picture, and easily avoid obstacles down the road.  Your coworkers will look to you for guidance during this period my stout stoner Ram.  You are more than able to lead them, as long as you are willing to rise to the occasion.

Stoner Aries this month you can expect to accrue a great deal of social capital as a result of your own elevated spirit. Take advantage of this by making time to recreate with your fellow cannabis connoisseurs.  Whether it is in your own backyard, or against the backdrop of a majestic mountain landscape, toke good and toke often.  But, don’t worry about how big your smoke circle is, only how smoke-filled your days are.  When it comes to the greens you puff, and the people you pass them too, always aim for higher quality, not quantity. 

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