Virgo Stoner Horoscope September

What a long strange trip it’s been stoner Virgo.  The past is a memory.  The future is a dream.  The present is an illusion in between.

If the illusion gets a little squirrely this month, be prepared to lean on your cannabis copilot to appreciate the past, and manifest positivity in the future.  This exercise will allow you to see through the illusion with your third eye sight.

Chill stoner Virgo!  This is your illusion, but it is shared with your cannabis companions.  Often frustration and disappointment are born out of your expectations.

Toke time with the sacred herb to meditate on reasonable management of expectations.  It is not the responsibility of your canna-crew to meet your expectations stoner Virgo.  This simple medicated meditation with cannabis could make all the difference between a positive illusion, and a dramatic nightmare in the first Fall month.

You like puzzles don’t you stoner Virgo?  Think of September as your own jigsaw.  Use the sacred herb to climb high above the terrestrial plane to see where all the pieces fit.  This higher perspective will allow you to see how you fit together with coworkers and the canna-fam.

Remember my stoner Virgin:  You are merely a piece in the grand puzzle.

There will be challenges during the month to prove your authenticity, and ability, within the broader smoke circle.  With a keen third eye toward your own expectations, and a high minded view of your place within the grand scheme, you will pass all cosmic tests.

The Full Moon on the 20th will mark a time to withdraw and assess where you are in between appreciation and manifestation.  Cosmic winds of chaos may be causing interference with communications between the canna-crew.  Sometimes the puzzle piece just doesn’t fit stoner Virgo.  Are you forcing it?

When frustration mounts, toke time with the sacred herb to find your strategic center.  Appreciate the past.  Manifest positivity in the future.  Get through the illusion of today.

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