Scorpio Stoner Horoscope November

Scorpio Stoner Horoscope November

Stoner Scorpio you have been preparing for this period for a long, long time. Making plans, revising, reviewing your notes, and at times, second guessing them and starting all over. But, the planning phase is coming to an end, and the season for practice is here! The blueprints you have so tirelessly labored over will be put into action, and ideas once thought lofty will become instruments in manifesting visions so long in the making. Don’t psych yourself out or let anxiety of imperfection hold you back. If you have to redirect course or make adjustments along the way, don’t worry. Take pause, grab the bong, and puff on, stoner Scorpio. There will be times when the reefer can help you to relax, and re-create your approach before moving forward. If things don’t unfold as easily as you anticipated, you will at least have the satisfaction that you are finally making moves, and getting things done.

Stoner Scorpio, for as far back as you remember, it feels like you’ve been working jobs that have paid the bills, but have left you unsatisfied; or at least jobs that you could not say genuinely sparked your interest. By the middle of November, you will have the chance to turn your passions into prosperity. Perhaps you were nervous that ‘having fun’ in an occupation meant that it couldn’t be financially feasible. Opportunity will present itself, but it will be up to you to go for it. Not every stoner Scorpio will be advised to immediately quit their 9 to 5. But every stoner Scorpion can at least get the joint rolling by pursuing ways of monetizing your interests. Know this however, it may take time for the seeds of success to become a self-sustaining cash crop. Keep at it stoner Scorpio, those passionate greens are worth the grind. With unwavering will, and strategic investments of self, your side hustle may just become your main money-making grind.

The stoner Scorpio knows best what they are looking for when it comes to matters of love. Whether you have been tokin’ solo with an eye toward a new prospective cannabis companion, or you are someone who has been riding high with their current partner-in-chronic; it will be up to you stoner Scorpio, to make the next move. However, you are aware that knowing what you want, and getting it, are not always one in the same. It would be great if all it took to make your garden grow was want and wishful thinking. But, the reality is this: To get those big sticky buds, it takes a lot of love, and the willingness to work at it. So too it is when it comes to our relationships with our cannabis companions. Find someone who you are willing to dig in the dirt with, and work through the messy beginnings. Together you will be able to grow something whose roots run deep, and whose canopy will always flourish.

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