Sagittarius October 2017

Sagittarius October 2017

Oh Stoner Sagittarius, I know you want to find an end to this responsible task oriented cosmic path. But the second fall time period brings more influence from the responsible side of the heavens. This busy lifestyle with a seemingly endless to-do list will have a payback for you stoner Sagittarius. Your tireless work this past year is building a wonderful foundation for future cosmic adventures. Insight through meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb will help you find exciting opportunities within the daily grind of accomplishment.

Look into the big green glass bowl stoner Sagittarius. Like a crystal ball, this glass bowl will help you see the adventure in the daily routine. October is the perfect month to focus your meditative gaze inward and take a renewed interest in personal health. We all only have one cosmic space suit, so it is important to maintain it. Even the busiest daily routine should allow for hikes in nature. Set out on a quest to find a new #JsSmokeSpot, whether it be a waterfall in the woods or that hidden urban garden. Staying physically active will help release the pressure of a go-go work lifestyle.

Stoner Sag there will be a personal challenge with a close cannabis companion this month. Despite your easy going whimsical nature, this situation will require a moment of pause and reflection. Meditate with the sacred herb and see through the emotion of the moment. Perhaps this moment of anxiety or turbulence is systemic in the nature of your relationship. Take confidence in knowing that there are a vast amount of cannabis companions traveling on this cosmic space ship called Earth. When one stoner drops from a smoke circle another is sure to take his place. But remember this stoner Sagittarius, life is too short to harbor resentment. Change is as inevitable as a fresh green bowl.

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