Virgo Stoner Horoscope March

Virgo Stoner Horoscope March

Stoner Virgo the first Spring month will be like our favorite plant.  More precisely, like a cannabis garden. It may sound cliche when we say things like, “Life is a garden, dig it.”  In March the comparison runs deeper. You can expect to experience it all stoner Virgo: The struggle of seeding, the restless hopefulness of a vegetative state, and ultimately the rewarding feeling when your efforts fully flower.  

Do not put on those rose colored glasses quite yet, stoner Virgo.  The first decade of March will be marred by notable struggles. You will feel dueling cosmic forces pulling you in conflicting directions:  The highs will be high, and unfortunately equally low lows. During this time you will be uniquely positioned to turn opposition into opportunity, and nurture your spiritual and mental gardens. What begins as a confusing and chaotic time, will clear, and become more concise as you weed out what isn’t working and invest your energy into prospects more likely to bear fruit, or at least into activities that bring you joy. 

Your economic dealings should follow a similar template of caution followed by deliberate determination.  Do not start off the month taking long shots with uncertain payoffs. On the clock, don’t take on more than you know you can get done.  Make sure you have clearly stated goals, stick to the grind, and you will make it through. However, during your free hours, you should have a different goal in mind:  Make sure you toke the time to light up your favorite strain of the sacred herb. Meditate and recreate with the sacred herb often stoner Virgo. Remember, all toils are temporary, as long as you toke time to focus on the big picture, and long term well being.

The 9th marks the emergence of the full moon.  Be ready stoner Virgo. While this will not be a cure all for momentary maladies, the immense lunar presence will shine light, and aid you in transitioning into full grow mode.  Veg time is over stoner Virgo. If you spent the early days nurturing worthwhile projects, and your cosmic space suit, you can expect a bountiful harvest, and a period of continued elevation.  Even if you do not go too wild, it will be a time of personal expansion and great endo-exploration. Moments of pause will give way to progress, and you will have cosmic blessings to pursue your passions.

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