Stoner Virgo, January will be a bit of a mixed bag. One key to the month is knowing that you cannot control everything in your life. No matter what your religious affiliation is, the stoner Virgo must give themselves up to the cosmos. Smoke a bowl, clear your head, and meditate on positive affirmations.
From the perspective of work and business, the stoner Virgo will be an ass kicker in January. Go out there and get the job done! Hit the ground running in January, and it may positively affect the entire year. Use all of your strengths. Organization and energy is your competitive advantage. There are no roadblocks in your way.
The stoner Virgo’s love life and personal relationships with family will be the source of the major challenges in January. The sacred herb can help you stay calm and see perspectives outside of yourself. You can’t control loving outcomes so relax and enjoy the ride. The less pressure you put on others in January the better off you will be. If you are in an existing relationship, you should consider counseling and or a renewed openness to heartfelt communication.
Here is your mission in January stoner Virgo: Go out there and be a monster at work and a cuddly bear at home. You may not be able to control circumstances, but you can control your reactions.