Virgo February 2019

Virgo February 2019

Stoner Virgos can expect to feel a magnetic pull from both negative and positive forces this month. Some would say it’s like being stuck between a rock and a hard spot. Or, like having some sweet, frosty nugs, but no way to smoke them. Maybe a giant plate of medicated brownies, but no fellow cosmic traveler to share them with. What might first appear to be setbacks, may in fact be new chances and opportunities to take on. If you allow time for the smoke to clear, you will find new paths and successful solutions to seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Stoner Virgos who run toward specific challenges, instead of retreating, will find personal breakthroughs in February. This will evolve their creativity and discover newfound confidence from facing these challenges. The best advice is to take the higher route. Stoner Virgos are advised to seek a higher vantage point: Take time, to toke time with the sacred herb and rise high above the terrestrial plane. Invoke the enlightenment of earthly herbs to help expand the vision of the third eye.

In order to reach specific personal goals, a certain amount of multi-tasking will be required of stoner Virgos. This means working to strike a delicate balance between give and take. Meditate with the sacred herb stoner Virgo. Focus on being flexible and adaptable, but be sure to not sacrifice your voice, especially in the workplace. You will play the crucial part of mediator among your coworkers, but it will be necessary to speak up when the situation calls for it.

Keep close to your most intimate smoke circle stoner Virgo. Don’t be afraid to lean on those closest to you for strength and advice. But, let it be clearly understood, you must trust the source of this advice and inspiration. While there are many who will gladly smoke you out, only those who have your best interests in mind will stay with you after the smoke clears. Rest assured stoner Virgo, allies and foes will be revealed. So, keep your smoke circle strong, but close. Reliance on those who do not actively seek mutual progress will doom your efforts.

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