Stoner Virgo, December will be quite the roller coaster, strap in for safety. I know you don’t like the term bipolar, but your ability to compartmentalize triumphs and tragedy will serve you well in December. The cosmic winds will be swirling around you during this period. You will feel the burn of a frigid headwind one day and the warmth of the cosmic winds at your back the next. Your ability to weather both forces will be the key to surviving and thriving in December.
In regards to your workplace, you must be on a full defensive posture. Know thyself, you must select the sacred herb with the highest productive properties for you. Avoid any strains that lower your defenses and open you up to attack mentally. The area of work will be where you feel the most head winds in December. Two things will get you through your work: 1. A positive and diligent work ethic. 2. Calm restraint with coworkers, bosses, and or employees.
Work may feel like a Metallica album, but your love life should open up like a Michael Franti jam. Everything is possible in December for the stoner Virgo. If love and romance is what you seek, it will be found. If you seek friendship and social community contact, you can find it during this period. Please keep this key factor in mind stoner Virgo; you are in charge, not the universe. The largest factor for failure will be you. Do not let the pressures of work affect how you treat people in your personal life. Protect at work, thrive in life.