It may feel like the Universe is conspiring against you during November, stoner Taurus. Most aspects of your life will become sources of stress for you. Your career, significant other, friends and family; it will all be directly affected by the negative energies the planets have created for you right now. The most important thing you can do for yourself this month is to remain true to yourself, and put your wants and needs above all others, no matter the outcome.
As far as work is considered, don’t make any permanent decisions unless you are sure that is what YOU want. To avoid any extra tension, you should definitely listen to the input of your co-workers, friends, and family so they know that they are being heard. However, you should completely disregard their opinions and do not factor them into your thought process.
Finances may suffer this month, so avoid any extra spending. I would HIGHly recommend using any extra money on some really good herb to help you smoke about and forget about all the chaos that November will bring. If you end up having multiple nights in with your pipe and Netflix this month, I will not hold it against you, especially since you are having such difficulty connecting with others anyway. Despite what seems like an all-around bad situation, if you keep a positive mind-set you will surely be able to handle anything that is thrown at you, and the shimmering light at the end of the month will not seem so far away.