Well, Stoner Taurus, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it seems likely that you will be in a constant battle all March long… With yourself… In your head. That is if you are not receptive to others thoughts and opinions during this time. It is important that you try to be as mutable and open to all forms of interpretation. I’m not saying that you’re necessarily wrong on where you stand on any specific matter, rather you would benefit greatly from the opportunity to assess your own thought processes as well as understanding that your way is not the only way. March will be a month to gently lean on the sacred herb.
Taurus, ignorance is not always bliss. Uncomfortable situations make you cringe (almost as much as change…blehh). You will be forced to deal with certain matters this month that push the levels of your comfort zone whether you like it or not. Take this as an opportunity for introspection and personal growth. This will allow you to better understand and empathize with others in the future.
You must not avoid people or potential problems. You’ll have to face these obstacles head on, like the bull you are. You would greatly benefit from some form of meditation, even if it’s just a walk around the block. Keep yourself elevated and use the powers of the sacred herb whenever possible; this will help keep your mind wide open and judgements to a minimum. It can also be the peace offering if you find yourself in a disagreement. If you are able to stay out of your own way this month, you will be just fine. Just remember that we are all here looking for the same things; love and acceptance.