Stoner Scorpio as April showers subside, you can expect May flowers to bloom in full force. Bright solar rays of energy and encouragement will lead to an abundance of opportunities and new prospects. It could be cliche to say, but the sky’s the limit! The reality is this: Your choice to pursue such endeavors will be a determining factor in how high your successes reach. While the season is ripe for big bong rips, and roaming the terrestrial plain to your favorite smoke spots, there will be times you need to pass on the puff puff. You will be able to enjoy the best of both worlds, as long as you are able to know when to hold ‘em, and know when to roll ‘em.
The workplace should be your main focus when it comes to grinding hard. Just like in the personal sphere, your positive emanations will bring certain opportunity for career advancement. Keep a keen eye to tasks at hand stoner Scorpio. Pay attention and keep open ears to the input of coworkers. Collective efforts and persistence is sure to pay off. Whether or not your corporate cohorts are cannabis friendly, all who invest their time and efforts are sure to equally enjoy the plentiful harvest of a hard day’s work.
Get up and get out into the world stoner Scorpio! Float on and fly high among your fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts. Expanding your areas of exploration is sure to result in smoke circle expansion. These new canna-buddies will blend more minds to ponder the big picture, and they are certain to lead to more opportunities flexing your entrepreneurial muscles. Don’t be shy stoner Scorpio! People are sure to see your bright solar aura surrounding you, and they will be unable to resist discovering what you are all about.
All possibilities will be brought together in May. The enthusiasm you bring to each individual situation will light the way. It is likely that newfound cannabis companions could spark inspiration for a new, and lucrative side-hustle. Just remember, sharing is caring: Positive culminations from newfound cannabis-companions will come from mutual progress, not selfish gain.