Stoner Scorpio the June time period could be legendary! Progress and personal breakthroughs found in future time periods may be tied back to this time right now. You have a secret weapon. You have a cannabis copilot to guide you through periods like this to find triumph where competition wasn’t even expected.
Mercury is in retrograde for you this month stoner Scorpio. Retrograde has become a bad word in astrological machinations. But is it really? You will dispel the rumors that Mercury retrograde is an unbreakable chain linked to negativity within the stoner Zodiac. Let’s look at this month like a bag of cannabis gifted from a canna-grower. Sure, you find some seeds and stems, but at the heart of this holistic bag of good green is patience, love, and fellowship. If the medicated meditations are beneficial, do the seeds and stems really matter in the end? Of course not stoner Scorpio, and you can see that.
The key to progressive success in June will be the ability to expand your mind, slow time, and view yourself and our terrestrial world from a higher perspective. This month is made for you my deep thinking Scorpion. Toke time to carve out many deep medicated meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb. Instead of recommending a particular strain, I recommend finding a holistic bag of homegrown good green. Know the source stoner Scorpio. Stock your stash jar with the most local, and quality grown herb you can find. Use this enhanced connection with cannabis to guide your contemplative smoke sessions. Our cosmic spaceship will seemingly slow its rotation, and you will be able to see terrestrial matters more clearly with your enhanced third eye sight.
Sure sure stoner Scorpio, Mercury retrograde will cause fits and hitches in your planned terrestrial travels. But the broader theme of expanded perspective will solve the fret and worry of such unexpected detours. With a keen third eye sight from a lifted perspective, these hiccups and roadblocks will seem trivial to your long term travels. Float on stoner Scorpio, and be sure to tell us all how you got there when you reach your final destination.