Scorpio Stoner Horoscope December

Scorpio Stoner Horoscope December

Stoner Scorpio December will be a month of discovery.  There will be no investigation or cosmic journey required for this discovery.  Sometimes knowledge and progression come through no insight or process. Hence, buckle up tight, twist the joint just right, and enjoy the ride.

Jack Herer once said of his discovery of cannabis, “Pot changed my life.  I began to hear my own words back to me as judgments. I put on earphones and heard music in color for the first time.”  Often the largest shifts in consciousness come as an accident and without warning. My stoner Scorpion you must be prepared for grand realizations, and a shift in perspective this month.  The current planetary alignment could shake the known terrestrial plane as you see it. But breathe deep, inhale the sacred herb, and know that everything will be alright. There is no particular cannabis strain prescription for December.  However, you must toke time during the busy holiday season to contemplate with the sacred herb in quiet moments of introspection. When these universal truths hit you, you must give them adequate respect and thought. The risk of December is to run yourself ragged without personal time to reflect.  The cosmic knowledge bombs could come and go without you taking possession of the progressional depth of understanding.

There will be challenges and obstacles in the personal and work sphere this month.  At work, new directives may arise without warning increasing your responsibility. You got this stoner Scorpio.  Use the sacred herb as your confident copilot. You are up to the challenge! Use the sacred herb as a catalyst for perspective shifting analysis and confidence in self.  

Challenges and obstacles within the personal sphere will be more internal than physical.  Burying valid emotions is not the best path forward. However, unleashing an emotional carpet bombing campaign on cannabis companions, and smoke circle acquaintances, is not the right option either.  Burn a bowl instead of bridges. Seek clarity with internal feelings and find the best way to manifest them through valid communication. The longer you keep valid emotions bottled up, the more explosive pressure will build within.  Three steps to remember in December stoner Scorpio: Validate, Contemplate, Communicate.

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