Scorpio Stoner Horoscope August

Scorpio Stoner Horoscope August

Stoner Scorpio, who said the Summer season was all about lounging in the solar rays?  Not you, not this August!  No need to prepare for an ambitious final Summer month, you already know what is coming.

And it comes fast stoner Scorpio.  Universal influence will make an immediate impact in the first days of August as all your hard work recently will transition to project completion and professional development.

Be mindful my stoner Scorpion.  Use the sacred herb to enhance your third eye vision toward your ambitious options.  Use your keen canna-eyesight to analyze the available projects and your valuable time resource.  The key to August will be to embrace the ambitious celestial influence with confidence, but also with conservative logic.

Stoner Scorpio, your spirit animal will morph into a work horse with an abundance of options on the terrestrial plane.  But this cosmic blessing is also a hidden trap.

You may want to walk or run down all the trails in front of you.  Take on every challenge available.  The universe will provide a brisk wind to power your ambitious sails, but this very same positive influence could be a trap door for negativity.

Gluttony of ambition could leave you bloated and overwhelmed once the music stops.

This is where your cannabis prescription for August will play a key role.  Toke time to meditate with the sacred herb to lay out a cost benefit analysis of the potential projects and the available time resource each will consume.

Stoner Scorpio, pack bowls of high CBD cannabis for the ambitious work day.  Hold stash jar reserves of the Indica species for the evening unwind.  Your daily routine will follow this formula:  Grind – Appreciate – Repeat.

Reflective appreciation for life, and what you have built, will be a necessary step to maintain the momentum of ambitious progress.  These medicated meditative moments of pause in between task mastery will also assist with relationships within the smoke circle.

The New Moon of the 8th marks an important window of clarity within the cosmic hustle and bustle of August.  It is impossible to move past errors, mistakes, and transgressions without acknowledging them stoner Scorpio.  The cosmos will offer insight and progress with the passing of the New Moon on the 8th.  But it will be up to you to inhale the magic of the sacred herb, and turn your third eye gaze inward.  Self analysis is never easy, but the breakthroughs last a lifetime.

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