What an interesting month April will be for my smoking Scorps! Business is booming and your ability to take on more responsibilities is impressive at this time. Love will prove to be tricky though you are more than qualified to handle all that comes your way.
The month of April will call on all your abilities of charisma in matters of the heart. You will need to be strategic in your words and actions to keep things smooth and kushy. This does not mean that you should get couch locked on indica and let your lover get their way in every matter. You must keep your stance until after the new moon this month. Then pack up that indica or hybrid and enjoy some much needed tenderness with your loved one. Single? Don’t doubt your abilities and if you are choosing to be critical of others be diplomatic in your approach.
Business is going to be one sweet & delectable medible for you this April! Though you will need all pistons firing so save that treat for the weekends! As I stated before: Take on new tasks and pay attention to all the things going on around you. You do not have to have all the information, just know the general gist of the waves around you. Working for yourself? Have no doubt that your instincts are correct in every matter this month. Working for the man? Do everything you can to learn more about the business you are a part of. My only warning is to steer clear of showing any ignorance.