Stoner Sagittarius there are cosmic storm clouds in the forecast for November. However, with a cool head, calm mind, and kind heart all stoner Archers should make it through the month with quivers to spare.
At many moments during November you will feel like you are wrapped up in the cosmic storm. However, the planetary shenanigans will affect cannabis companions, but not the stoner Sagittarius directly. Even through peripheral effects, this cosmic storm will remain as the major obstacle of this period.
Embrace the storm stoner Sagittarius. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to see through the storming machinations swirling around fellow terrestrial astronauts. Through your herbally enhanced third eye gaze, visualize yourself in the eye of the storm. Chaos will swirl around the stoner Sag, but they stand firm on unshaken ground. Medicated meditative moments will be required to maintain confidence in the face of the sweeping cosmic chaos. See through the chaos from a higher perspective. Maintain consistent low levels of marijuana medication to keep clear vision, and steadfast confidence.
And confidence will be necessary stoner Sag. A higher calling could be cast upon you in November. Perhaps you could be seen as a cannabis first responder. As you stand in the eye of the cosmic storm with your third eye gaze engaged at the carnage within, opportunities abound as your fellow tokin terrestrials are lost within the planetary tempest.
Load up your cannabis tool kit stoner Sagittarius. The green cross will be symbolic in November. Your cannabis companions and smoke circle acquaintances will need your assistance if they are to make it through the month unscathed. You have the power to bring positive impact in moments of anxiety. Whether it’s a kind listening ear, a loaded bowl, or a helping hand, you will surely find moments of great impact. Keep a cool head, a warm heart, and a lifted third eye this month stoner Sag. Your canna-crew is relying on you.