Stoner Sagittarius the period of May will delight the tension in your bow. My curious Archer always on a quest for truth and reason, perhaps this month you shall hit your mark with precision. Make sure your quiver is loaded with a balanced hybrid cannabis strain. The key to this month will be feeding the natural curiosity with an enhanced third eye, while maintaining the energy and enthusiasm to fulfill your quest.
Toke time to chill stoner Sag. The largest warning for May will be to avoid charging the gates without a plan. The universal influence this month will provide a wind at your back, but don’t over shoot your shot! Your natural abilities will be heightened. Toke time to chill with the contemplative magic of the sacred herb to gain an enhanced perspective before jumping all-in on an attack. Much like herb filled bowls, there will be plenty of targets in May. Steady your movements to smoke them all.
There is another magical influence from the cosmos in the final Spring month that will act like a kief dusting on the bowl of life. Your inquisitive nature will be buoyed by the celestial alignment. This is a time of learned endeavors and expansive ideas. Don’t go solo on your terrestrial mission in May. Pack a bowl for two, and pack the stash jar with enough to share. The key to unlocking the philosophical and creative experiences this month will be communication and companionship. What could be better than chopping it up with the canna-crew while burning bowls? This type of situation could lead to that big “ah ha” moment you have been seeking.
Good luck on your adventure stoner Sag! Don’t get lost in one particular part of the mission. Each step has its own unique opportunity. Puff the plan. Smoke the execution. Load the bowl for the troops. You will come out of May an advanced Archer of the highest degree.