Sagittarius, the seeds that you planted months ago are beginning to ripen and bear fruit. That is to say, your investments are clearly paying off. As long as you keep your focus on the final goals and do your best to maintain this level of achievement, you will be able to continue this positive momentum. Keep on and smoke strong, stoner Sag, but don’t lose sight of your ultimate goals. Whether you measure your success by monetary values or interpersonal relationships, you can expect to see continual growth. If you are willing to invest in your new undertakings the way you have into past endeavors, then there is no reason you should not experience similar success.
With regards to the workplace, Sagittarius, the best advice is to “dream big!” Don’t sell yourself short, Sag. The only person that can hold you back is you. While there will always be critics to tell you what you can’t do, it will be up to you to show them exactly what you can achieve. Regardless of how close you are to your coworkers, it is probably best to keep your success separate from your smoke circle. Sometimes, you will need to blow off steam about your work peers, and it will be best to do so with confidants that you don’t work alongside.
While you might want to share some of your positive achievements or help those around you succeed, sometimes you have to let others go it alone. You may offer your support to those close to you, but you cannot do everything for them. The best thing you can do is to be a shining example. Instead of being the one who always rolls one up, it is better to teach others how to roll on their own. This way, you can enable others to be successful without having to rely exclusively on your help.