It has been said many times before, so it is nothing new to say, “life is like a garden…so dig it.” Nonetheless, this will be your truth this July, Stoner Sagittarius. You will notice a plethora of positivity emanating in both your personal and work spheres. While you might be surprised by this good fortune, know it all sprouts from seeds you planted long ago. This just shows not all gratification is instant. When you are able to look at the big picture you will find even the smallest effort can grow into the most spectacular success!
You have seen the proof that getting down in the dirt now will lead to abundant harvests later on. Because of this fact, you need to continue to start new projects and undertake greater challenges at work. When it comes to work, it is best advised to put down the pipe and keep to a more self-motivated grind. There will be plenty of time later to spark one up and enjoy a slower pace, but for now keep focused on putting in the work. No one will say you do not have to try, however, your returns on investment will be exponential. You will see all the greater reward if you put more effort into each project. Plus, you will better enjoy the summer nights and smoking on your victory bowl when you know all of your required work is finished.
It will be clear to those who know you, Stoner Sagittarius: you have found your cosmic groove. Your positive aura is tangible and your optimism infectious. In addition to your current smoking circle, your journey is sure to cause you to cross paths with new faces, each one a potential new smoke buddy. With this to consider, not every person will be someone you want to invite to be part of your closest cannabis crew. When it comes to making these decisions–go with your gut. Your chakras are in extraordinary alignment and you are vibrating at a higher frequency, Stoner Sagittarius. This means you should trust your instincts when it comes to assessing people and situations. Your only responsibility to those around you, is to just be you. Keep spreading those good vibes, Stoner Sagittarius, and you are sure to help elevate everyone else to your level.