Stoner Pisces, you are beginning to feel an increased vitality as spring approaches. And it’s okay to get excited, this extra pep-in-your-step will be here for the long run. This is good because there will certainly be issues for you to overcome. But, how much these accomplishments drain your energies will largely be up to you. In general, you might feel like nothing is too big for you to conquer. Be careful of investing yourself too much into any singular undertaking. You are more than capable and others will notice this. While your advice and understanding may be helpful to others, be careful to not expend all your resources before your own business is in order.
With warm weather and new beginnings starting to bloom know that more is yet to come. You may notice that your investments yield results almost immediately, but remember that you haven’t finished the race, you’ve started a marathon. Because things at home and the workplace are going smoothly, do not take this for granted. You will need to continue to invest yourself into these facets in order to keep the good vibes coming. Grab your piece and continue your pursuit of peace. You will not have to look very far to find a friend who will join you on your journeys. Together you will be able to achieve your highest goals.
Towards the end of the month, it will be better to slow your roll: literally and herbally. Oddly enough it isn’t zoning-out that you have to worry about, it’s zoning-in. Perhaps keeping to the indicas will be a happy compromise. Although a sativa can be great for increasing creativity, this could also mean your mind risks wondering off to chase every new idea. If it’s an idea worth pursuing, write it down. But do not let yourself get distracted by one pursuit particularly. Keep your mind and your options open, you’ll be surprised not just at what success you can achieve by taking it a bit slower, but perhaps even more surprised at the amount of problems you’ll be able to avoid by looking ahead.