Stoner Libra, remember that even the tallest of trees is only as strong as its roots. With cosmic winds expected to increase with intensity, and become more unpredictable in September, it will be crucial to prepare yourself. Make sure you are planted firmly in solid ground.
If you haven’t been working in the past months on finding your inner equilibrium, don’t worry stoner Libra. Just be sure to toke time in the first days of the month to meditate with the sacred herb before the stellar gusts become too strong.
You are well adept in the delicate art of achieving balance; so I highly recommend you cultivate this middle-of-the-road mantra by searching out, and sticking to, hybrid cannabis strains throughout the month.
Tried and true classics like OG Kush, Blue Dream, or Girl Scout Cookies will provide the added boost of energy you need to face any challenges that arise; yet these hybrid delights may also provide the calming influence to lead you back to the center path if things get too hectic.
Stoner Libra, although you are the poster child of balance and fairness amongst all the stoner zodiac, no one will tell you that it is an easy undertaking. It can be an unthanked endeavor to balance the micro with the macro: To remain ecologically mindful of how you treat the wider environmental world around you, while still making sure you are kind and caring towards your cannabis companions in your immediate orbit.
You will likely be called upon to play the role of mediator between feuding cannabis companions. Or possibly the life coach to someone who is feeling worn down by unkind cosmic currents. And, not even you are immune to the wear and tear of the daily grind stoner Libra.
Toke time for the occasional recreational rendezvous to center yourself within the smoke circle. Smoke sessions exclusively scheduled for roasting bowls and relaxing with your partners-in-chronic. Or, maybe you have that one special person you are always willing to share your top shelf nugs with. Whoever or however you choose to decompress, it will be important you have a designated cannabis confidant during this time.
Stoner Libra, you are ready and willing to be the grounding presence to those who seek your help. But, it is always a good thing to have that supportive someone when you need a little help from a friend. That one bud-loving buddy who, at the end of a bad day, will always be there for you with a listening ear, and a freshly packed bowl for two.