Ah stoner Libra, you are the stoner star sign filled with a balanced mission on the terrestrial plane. But so often this justice-seeking eye is turned outwardly as you strive to bring balance to others. In October, cosmic winds may knock you out of your comfort zone. Instead of bringing justice and balance to your smoke circle, the month will be filled with internal analysis as your third eye gaze is turned inward.
Breathe deep stoner Libra. Inhale the perspective expanding nature of the sacred herb. Don’t try to withstand the brisk cosmic wind, embrace it!
Stock the stash jars with a deep Indica cannabis strain, and an Indica dominant hybrid strain. The settled and contemplative nature of this species of the sacred herb will allow you to sink deep within yourself. It will assist you in shining a light on the internal areas that might need work, care, or sympathy.
Toke time with the sacred herb for a solo medicated meditative smoke session. Reconnect your head with your soul. Apply the empathy you use to help others upon yourself.
Don’t be late stoner Libra. The most opportune time to re-balance your internal drives with this solo deep dive within yourself will be early in the month. The New Moon falls on the 6th. This Moon phase will provide the perfect period to explore the window into yourself.
This meditative practice in internal analysis, and maybe even judgement, will create an immediate impact in October. After the Full Moon of the 20th, the smoke circle might be buzzing with bowls and energy.
Stay with the Indica hybrid during this time stoner Libra. Other stoner star signs may be feeling the universe differently than you. It is at this time you must stay connected to the cannabis inspired directives you manifested earlier in the month.
With the help of your cannabis copilot, and disciplined meditation, October should be a progressive month for you moving forward. Stay connected to your internal work stoner Libra. Insecurities, judgements, and frivolous dramas are all part of the human experience. Once you are re-balanced, and your soul is settled, there is nothing that can knock you off course again.