Libra Stoner Horoscope May

Libra Stoner Horoscope May

Prepare yourself stoner Libra. May is going to be a mixed bag of herb:  Some shwaggy nugs sprinkled in with perfect sticky icky. The final Spring month will find you feeling off balance, and emotional. You’ll start May with a strong sense of self-evaluation, and then slowly transition to a place of action. Toke time with the sacred herb often this month Justice Seeker. Our great green herbal copilot can help smooth the rough edges of tense times.  

Stoner Libra, as a tactful and open-minded terrestrial astronaut, you will find May to be bursting with opportunities to wow your fellow canna-buddies with your intricate and creative philosophies. Load your favorite piece for sharing, and grab your closest partners in chronic for contemplative planning and collaborative action. This much needed time with the canna-crew will allow you to fully understand the self-reflective state you’ve been in recently, and push you to take action where necessary.  

The work sphere will provide a respite from the heaviness of your brooding thoughts this month stoner Libra. Allow yourself to get lost in the simplicity of completing menial tasks. I recommend limiting smoke sessions to after business hours.  Sometimes work can be an escape from the heady dilemmas and dramas of the personal sphere.

Be forewarned stoner Libra:  The emotional rollercoaster of May has many ups and downs, twists and turns. Use the sacred herb as a calming influence.  Release, and enjoy the ride.  This month you will cry. You will miss old friends, and lovers dearly. You will long for opportunities lost. Do yourself a favor and reach out. Grieve what can’t be fixed, and focus on the positive chapters yet to be written. It’s okay to forgive, especially yourself. 

Stoner Libra it is imperative this month to use your herbally enhanced third eye.  Sometimes you help balance the scales of justice, and sometimes the scales of justice balance you.  During this period of psychic turmoil perhaps you will develop a better sense of empathy for cannabis companions, and yourself.  Rest assured, when the June time period comes, you will find yourself in perfect balance once again.

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