Stoner Libra, the stars have aligned to assist you on your journey this October! You’ll find opportunity to influence and impact society on this terrestrial plane we call home. However, you won’t find this impact wandering the plains searching for the right opportunity. The focus and direction must come from your own internal desires. Once you’ve surveyed and accepted that, the path you’ve chosen must become your singular focus to achieve desired results.
This isn’t a time for collaboration or leaning on your partners in chronic, stoner Libra. It’s time to give your cosmic space suit a once-over. You’ll want to ensure your stash box is filled to the brim and ready for some solo missions for a higher perspective. That’s not to say you need to keep your plans secret from mission control, but rather you need to understand that there’s no room for stowaways on your personal mission to a higher perspective.
Your work sphere will need some honing. Start by asking yourself, “What is most important to attack NOW?” Nobody wants a weak toke if there isn’t enough bud to spread around; you combine or restock. Similarly, spreading yourself too thin can result in overall weakness in October. To counter this, take direct and decisive action to the most pressing problems, which will also make the most of your cosmic support. As you surely know by now, if and when the stars align, it’s time to act.
Breathe, inhale, and let it be stoner Libra. Your personal sphere will require you to keep your chill, so things will remain cool. Over analyzing and worrying will only feed into paranoid anxious smoke clouds. Paranoia will obscure normal situations, transferring them into emotional obstacles. Stay frosty stoner Libra, and this will keep you from treading down a path of negativity.