Stoner Leo in many ways September will play out like a choose-your-own-adventure tale. As you are the author of your own story, attention must be paid early in the month to manifest positivity so you don’t write a nightmarish chapter.
Seriously stoner Lion. Toke time early in the month to meditate with the sacred herb. Make sure this solo smoke session is comfortable and without distraction. The cannabis strain does not matter as much as your solitude. Take care of this task before the New Moon on the 6th.
You hold great power in this moment to cleanse your mental space, and manifest your future self.
Universal influence in September also provides an opportunity to clear your financial space stoner Leo. It is easy in our modern time to clutter our mental and physical space with all the trappings of the digital simulation. What is a crucial delight one month, turns into a forgotten burden the next.
Use the contemplative nature of the sacred herb to align your third eye gaze with the cosmic support for financial house cleaning. This may mean different tasks for different Lions.
Perhaps a bowl and a budget is the best result of high minded contemplation. Perhaps it’s time to cancel that habit, or that subscription that slowly drains your resources each month.
Perhaps you will consider your time as money, and toke a keen third eye toward that social media app clogging your pineal gland. At least your stoner horoscope subscription is free. Don’t cancel me during your mental house cleaning stoner Leo!
After the Full Moon on the 20th, the month may finish on a psychological note of introspection. Allow yourself to take some me-time in the final decade of the month. Physical exercise can always be an active conduit for solo self reflection.
September will start with manifesting dreams with the sacred herb. It should end with appreciative healing with your cannabis copilot.
In the end this month is all about you stoner Leo, and that is one thing that no Lion will ever deny.