Stoner Leo let’s look at March as a tale of two periods. In the first half, the work sphere will take precedence as hard work and focus on communication will rule the period. Eventually the economic grind will flow into a period of great personal importance.
First, let’s focus on the first half where you will be grinding more at work than chopping up the great green at home. The great news about the cosmic influence during this period is that it flows right into your strengths stoner Leo. The key to unlocking great grinding success at work will be your strong communication skills. But be forewarned: Important communications should be done in person versus over the Internet or telephone. When opportunities for toking do come about in the first half of March, keep the smoke sessions lite. Perhaps smooth smoking on a high CDB strain will maintain the connection with the sacred herb, while leaving you connected to the terrestrial plane.
The second half of March will have a more personal focus from the universal influence. Save the Spring cleaning for after the work is done stoner Leo. Don’t rush large home projects, there will be plenty of time this month. More notable will be the breadth of sacred herbal strains available in the second half, and the learned opportunities that will come from your terrestrial adventures. Expand the mind and feed the soul during this period. Use the sacred her as a catalyst to seek out information and answers to great internal questions.
Don’t ignore the unassuming tokers in the smoke circle this month. They could be puffing on quiet wisdom. All you have to do is share a bowl, and perhaps this meek canna-buddy has the key to unlocking a breakthrough of understanding.
The full Moon of the 9th marks a great opportunity to begin physical preparations for summer. Yes stoner Leo, this may mean curtailing the snacking, and getting on the bike once again. Have you lost the impetus to maintain a healthy spacesuit? The full Moon comes with great cosmic energy to reinvigorate a healthy regiment. Puff puff pass on lazy attitudes!