Gemini Stoner Horoscope May

Gemini Stoner Horoscope May

You are on a roll stoner Gemini!  The month of May will continue the upward celestial trend for the Twin of the stoner Zodiac.  Often the stoner Gemini is unaware of the unique bifurcated nature of their stellar stoner traits.  How many times have you balked at a comment by a member of the canna-fam about your dual nature?  It’s as if the consistency of your stoner ways is only known to you.  The universal influence of May will bring a light of awareness and understanding about yourself that is usually missing from the reflection in the mirror.

You are in luck stoner Gemini!  This month could be interpreted as a rebirth as you see yourself in a new light.  Make sure the stash jar is packed with your favorite cannabis strains because the more meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb, the more opportunity for growth and progress.  As Bob Marley famously said, “When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.”  There will be plenty of revelations this month stoner Gemini.

Keep those books you always intended to read close to the stash jar this month.  The universe will be sending blessings of knowledge within the celestial alignment.  Perhaps the best meditative smoke session will be you, your favorite piece, some dank nugs, and a book on self improvement.

Keep in mind stoner Gemini:  There are dangers to this period of self reflection.  During this cleansing, or rebirth, make sure to ward off negative energy.  Use the sacred herb as an illuminating tool during this stage.  As you see yourself more clearly you will also see the pains of mistakes and past relationships.  Don’t dwell stoner Gemini.  Use this period to release resentment, to forgive your frenemies, and to cleanse any toxicity with your smoke circle.  Also be forewarned:  As you open the pathways of awareness, opportunities for new additions to the cannabis crew will arise.  As blessed as this is as a prediction, smoke circle expansion is not the progressional goal of May.  This month is about self repair, self awareness, healing, and eliminating toxicity within relationships.  There will be plenty of time to build the canna-fam in future periods.

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