Spring is upon us stoner Gemini. This means we are entering into a period where you will have plenty of time to roll one up, burn one down, and just chill out! April cosmic influences will usher in an era of contentment for the stoner Gemini. Investment early in the month to align the chakras and awaken the third eye will have immeasurable benefits lasting through the rest of the month. So find your zen, and you will have positive momentum as we move towards the long days of summer.
For your herbal inspiration this month, you should seek out a sweet and succulent hybrid strain of the sacred herb. The Sativa influences will keep you motivated and moving in a positive direction, while the mellowing properties of the Indicas will keep you grounded and focused on keeping your spirits lifted. Finding the right cannabis strain can mean the difference between chaotic thought and cerebral clarity. Targeted selection of the right strain helps you reach your highest potential.
With regards to both work and personal relationships, you will have two crucial directives:
1. Do not be forced into action by others.
2. Keep your cool. Avoid angry or reactive outbursts.
You can’t control what others do, stoner Gemini, only how you respond to their actions. If someone is intent on sending bad karma your way, do not react in kind. Remember it is better to respond with kindness. In other words, don’t let others’ bad vibes crush your groove!
Early in the month toke time to awaken your third eye. You will have better sight to notice more subtle changes. Pay attention to those closest to you. It is likely someone in your inner circle will be in need of your assistance around the time of the full moon. Whether you offer a willing ear to listen to their troubles, or simply share a bowl, your efforts will be appreciated.
Buckle up! Relationships will move to the next level in April. Don’t worry single Geminis, this doesn’t mean you will trip into marriage. All relationships can come under this positive cosmic influence. Longer days means you will have many opportunities for socializing and stoner-friendly smoke sessions. As a result, an acquaintance may become a better bud, or you strengthen a bond with a family member. And yes, you may even discover you are ready to turn a cannabis companion into your romantic partner in chronic.