Stoner Gemini you are very aware of the constant challenge of balancing the logical and the emotional. As you begin writing the next smokey chapters in the coming New Year, it is advisable you allow logic to lead the way. Regardless of how busy 2018 felt, the important thing is to not rush. Take it slow. Not all of your accomplishments of 2019 will be achieved in the first month alone. You should embrace wholeheartedly the opportunity of starting with a blank page. Of course there will be lingering projects you need to finish, but you will be able to pour the bulk of your energy into planting the seeds for future growth. Most importantly, do not be afraid to get your hands dirty! Remember a healthy, hearty garden all starts by nurturing the tiniest seeds.
When it comes to interpersonal relationships, whether in the workplace or on the home front, make sure you take the time needed to have a good understanding of the bigger picture. Jumping to conclusions will only result in additional chaos, so be deliberate in your actions. Patience will be more than just a virtue this month, it can mean the difference between failure and victory when interacting with our fellow cosmic travelers. The highlight of this approach is that there will be plenty of opportunities to pack the peace pipe, and toke time to share a bowl with your fellow cannabis enthusiasts. This is not meant to scare you, stoner Gemini. You and your stony friends can expect a positive season this January, as long everyone remembers to keep the pace at a slow roll and even burn.
Just like the seeds you will plant early in the month, it will be important you let your roots grow deep stoner Gemini. As long as you are planted firmly in the ground, you will not be easily swayed when the cosmic winds blow. Do not waste precious energy fighting battles you will not win. Avoid conflict when it is possible. You need to focus on your own well being, before you try to fulfill others’ needs.
Don’t rush! Take time for yourself stoner Gemini. Relax and recoup with your favorite strain of the sacred herb. Reflect on all you’ve accomplished during 2018, and get ready for all the smokey adventures this New Year will bring.