Stoner Gemini, I have a heavy cliche for you: You reap what you sow. Whether you relate this to bible scripture or universal karma, this cliche holds weight in any room. And in the month of December, the cosmic winds have retribution and reward in mind for the stoner Gemini.
The cliche is not ominous or negative. Often people use this phrase in terms of retribution, but in actuality, it could mean very positive things as well. At the beginning of the December time period, take the time to yourself with the sacred herb. Use a meditative smoke session to contemplate the last couple months of your life. I cannot speak generally about all Geminis for this December time period. Each individual will feel the effects of their efforts in the past quarter.
You will know which way the cosmic winds will blow. There is no hiding from yourself, and your past actions in December. If your work, attitude, and effort has been on point then the universe will be inclined to offer blessings with no strings attached. If you have moved through life with avoidance, procrastination, and negativity then the universe will make sure the issues of the past will take center stage in the December time period.
Most of us do not live or act in an “all good” or “all bad” state of life. The December time period may not have exciting new experiences for you, but it will offer plenty of opportunities to appreciate your cannabis companions, family, and loved ones. Lay down the pipe when life feels demanding. Combust the sacred herb when life presents calm waters and rewards. Take responsibility and rejoice stoner Gemini, the universe is a beautiful thing.