Stoner Gemini, Spring is finally here! You may have noticed the longer days, and the greater intake of the sun’s rays leaves you feeling energized like you can take on the world. The good thing is that the universe will demand little to nothing from you. This doesn’t mean that you should slack off to just scrape by. Instead, use this unique opportunity to pursue your own wish list. Since your calendar is open, you are free to fill it with whatever you desire. Take a hike, find that secluded waterfall and claim it as your newest smoke spot accomplishment! Whatever it is you do, stay busy. It would be a terrible waste of your great potential if you expend those energies sitting on the couch. As long as you plan for these adventures, you will add many memorable moments to your life this April.
At work stoner Gemini, you will be a source of light, guidance, and inspiration. Whether you are the business owner, part of the management team, or the newest addition to the team, your peers and coworkers will come to you for advice. And, for good reason. Be sure to keep your hard work separate from your meditative smoking sessions. Your noticeable successes will be one reason people value your input. By separating your times for grinding hard at work and grinding up your favorite cannabis strain, you will maintain a clear mind which will keep you in high regard with your peers.
What is best stoner Gemini, is no one, especially on the homefront, will hold you back in this April time period. Cannabis companions will not be demanding or needy this month. Instead of draining you of your good vibes, they will be sure only to amplify this positivity. Remember that if you want company on your journey, you only need to ask anyone of your many cannabis companions. They will be more than willing to join you in your smokin shenanigans. And while it is always recommended that you stop to smell the flowers, don’t overindulge. Too much of a good thing or too much time spent over analyzing your decisions can ruin even the most magical moments.