Stoner Capricorn December will be a challenging period. But during this phase, you will be the one performing the exacting actions. Stand tall my sturdy Sea Goat, this month you will bring the fight to those that oppose you.
Whether you are standing against injustice, confronting a nemesis, or breaking imposing societal restraints, there will be numerous loaded bowls of opportunity to smoke your foes. But before you get your hyper confrontational stoner hard hat fitted for battle, toke a moment to contemplate the essence of the battles you wage. There will be cosmic support in December for confronting unjust obstacles and foes that have wronged your progressive path to a higher plane. This universal sword and shield however, could disappear in moments of wrong-headed hypocritical tactics. Meditate with the sacred herb to gain clarity on the issue at hand. Seek a higher perspective to analyze and confirm the karmatic justice of the situation. This moment of pause for herbal discernment will protect you from further harm, and strengthen your position.
This impetus to confront wrongs could be most necessary and yet dangerous within the personal sphere. Let’s back off the sword and shield analogy to understand confrontation can also be a bridge built with kindness. As you meditate with the sacred herb to reach a higher perspective, view with your third eye how a hug can impact a struggle just as effectively as a sword. The word confrontation can easily be replaced by the word communication. Airing grievances with a shared bowl will have longer positive impacts than dousing the situation in flames. There will be times a flame thrower will only be needed to light a bowl for two.
Remember stoner Capricorn, not every obstacle or confrontation should be approached in the same manner. There are numerous ways to consume the sacred herb. There are equally numerous ways to confront a perceived oppressor or situation. Always operate with kindness at heart.