Capricorn Stoner Horoscope August

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope August

In August the stoner Capricorn will be faster than a bong rip, more powerful than a fatty blunt, and able to pass the bowl in a single motion. You are amazing stoner Capricorn! With the right herbal prescription and planetary assistance, there is nothing you can’t accomplish in the final summer month. Maybe even some times, all things at once. Lean into this cosmic support. Select Sativa strains of the sacred herb to be your herbal copilot on this productive mission. Lean into this energetic cosmic kick with the focus and clarity of the Sativa strain. This prescription will be your herbal assistant encouraging determination within the hard work ahead.

Seek balance stoner Capricorn. You can’t push your mind and body into the red without recuperative smoke stops. Keep a keen third eye on the health of your cosmic spacesuit. Exercise, stretching, and even a nap will help keep your progressive engine roaring.

Toke time to self on secluded evenings with a deep Indica strain. Balance the frenetic pace with a restful recuperative medicated solo smoke session. The tasks, projects, and progressive work will all be there the next day. A medicated evening with the sacred herb and your internal self will help the frayed nerves repair for the continued adventure of August. If you are feeling frayed and fried from energetic mental endeavors, toke time with the sacred herb and your chosen form of exercise. A nice jog through a wooded shady trail sounds wonderful.

There is one hidden challenge that the final summer month will bring. Energy and cosmic empowerment will create a feeling that you can do it all by yourself, and you can. However, all progress and achievement is more sustainable and rewarding with participation from your canna-crew. While you are smoking up all the tasks of the day, find ways to bring your coworkers and or canna-buddies into the progression process. Stoner Capricorn success is sweeter when it is shared, just like that perfectly rolled joint.

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