Stoner Capricorn, are you familiar with the multiverse? Scientific theories state that our universe is merely one of an infinite number of universes all connected and yet completely separate. This theory implies that you have experienced every kind of human ambition and experience that is known to us because there are infinite versions of this world and yourself. Early in the month of May, it would be wise to place yourself in a creative space with your favorite and most creative strain of the sacred herb. Use this session to contemplate all the different versions of yourself that have walked Earth in another universe.
The cosmos is going to bring rain instead of flowers for you in May stoner Capricorn. But it will rain positive creative drops from the universe. Now more than ever, you should step outside of yourself and find creative methods of thinking and decision making. The period of May will reward you with bold and creative action. If you are an entrepreneur then this might mean bold action in marketing, a new branch of products, or changing processes and systems. Only you will know. If you are a nut or bolt in the corporate machine, understand that you are powerful and your creativity can reach beyond your position and station. Don’t be afraid to speak up and present your ideas.
Please stoner Capricorn, take this meditation of creativity and universal understanding to heart regarding your loved ones. There may be an infinite number of pasts and presents, but you only have yourself here and now. Cherish your loved ones and cannabis companions, and you will reap the blessings of this world.