Stoner Capricorn, February brings an amazing opportunity. The planets have aligned in such a way that the Stoner Capricorn will face no negative influences in February. The only requirement to take advantage of this cosmic blessing is positive thinking and meditation.
Come with me stoner Capricorn as we imagine your place in the universe in February. You are on a sailboat. Behind you is the swirling black clouds of negative emanations from 2015. You can see the beautiful white lightning strikes of your efforts to push through the storm with positivity. Now here you rest gently in calm waters. There is no warm cosmic wind to push you forward, nor a cosmic headwind to fight against. In front of you is the horizon, a blank canvas that you can paint any image you want.
The sacred herb will take you to magical places in February stoner Capricorn. Look out onto the horizon. Where do you want to go? Who do you want to spend time with? Meditation and a positive attitude will allow you to paint and plan a wonderful vision of March. The calm seas will only last for so long, stoner Capricorn, you have to take advantage of the soothing properties of the sacred herb and meditation in February. Action will come in March.
The only challenge in February will come from your own mind stoner Capricorn. Some may see lack of motion as stagnation. Fighting the calm seas will get you nowhere. Chill, you deserve a break from battle. February is an opportunity to recharge your batteries and heal your soul.