Capricorn April 2018

Capricorn April 2018

Stoner Capricorn last month was quite active and impact-full for your sign.  There is a bit of a flip in the script for April. The larva that morphed into a social butterfly in March will now mature into a worker bee.  Energy and positivity will remain in place, but the focus and direction may change. April will not be a Kiss song stoner Capricorn. You may want to rock all night and party every day, but there will be other time periods for this possibility.  Now is the time to expend all that energy and confidence you nurtured in March toward a social angle, and apply it to your work sphere.

You can’t achieve your goals and dreams without first planning the design and pouring the foundation.  This is the time for the hard work and tough decisions. Keep the Indica species of the sacred herb locked up.  April will be the perfect month to meditate with the Sativa species. The energy and creativity you can cultivate from medicated smoke sessions will aid in your progress toward the manifestation of your dreams.  

Cosmic influences will reward the stoner Capricorn with a solitary focus and plan of action.  Early in the month take some time to meditate with the sacred herb. Planning and budgeting will be a crucial step at this point.  If you have several projects, ideas, or businesses that you would like to pursue, then this will be an important stage to select one to focus your efforts.  If your spread yourself too thin, your dreams may turn into a nightmare.

Decisions you make in April could have a large impact on future time periods.  Not only will a solitary focus be required, but also clear communication. Avoid cloudy situations.  No hot boxing in April stoner Capricorn! Miscommunication from thick smoke clouds could send you off course.

Your personal sphere may feel like you are spinning your wheels in April.  Just be clear with your communication, and enjoy the flow. Breathe, inhale, and let it be.  Do not fret or focus too much attention on the personal sphere. There will plenty of work to accomplish to keep you occupied.

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