Stoner Capricorn, the month of April begins an expansive period for your personal growth. You made it through the rough winter, and you have basked in the glow of cosmic fortune. You are now entering a period where the lessons of the past will benefit your current and future self. The sacred herb can help you on this journey. Meditative smoke sessions should be focused on internal self-confidence and belief.
The word “expansion” keeps coming to mind when I think of the cosmic gift presented to you in April stoner Capricorn. This word can apply to so many things for you this month. Expansion of the way you perceive yourself in the universe. You are a powerful being. This could be the first step towards influencing the environment around you more positively than you have ever contemplated. Expansion of your business or job. Now is the time to invest in yourself or your business. Now is the time to vocalize your ideas and demonstrate leadership. Perhaps a meditative session with an edible will help you visualize the expansion I am telling you about. At the core, I am speaking about the expansion of how you see and love yourself.
Test yourself in April. Be decisive and bold. Stand behind your opinions and research. Lead your cannabis companions and lovers. Now is the time to break out of your shell and spread your beautiful wings.