Arrogance and pride need to step aside in the lives and minds of the stoner Cancers. You are quite knowledgeable on these ego driven shields my cannabis companions. Even though you wield these emotional tools well; your focus should be on self-actualization and allowance for the entire month of November. When I say allowance I am referring to: Allowing yourself to be in the moment, be forgiving of yourself and of others. Be loving in the same manner. By doing so you will only increase your self-actualization that you need to reach by the end of this November.
In your personal life take the time to be with your family. If you are lucky enough to have a family of tokers, break out the hookah and enjoy a weekend of bonding. If there is any discord within your family address it immediately. You need all those who love you on your side this month. Their love and strength will help you ascend to levels of consciousness you have only ever dreamed of.
The working world of the stoner Crab will require much discernment. It is imperative that you take the time to meditate with the sacred herb in regards to your work in November 2016. There is much on your plate and you have the talent to accomplish each task at hand. The problem herein lies: You are only one person, you will need your colleagues and you must pick the most appropriate projects to work on. Do not be tricked into thinking the ones you choose are not the proper ones. Trust in yourself and watch what can be done.
November may be immensely overwhelming for you stoner, Cancer. Do not fret! What lies at the end of this month is worth every moment. Do your best to enjoy this new process.