Stoner Cancer, there is unfortunate news from the cosmos in the final summer month. You should not rely on any extra support from your planetary patrons. However, there is good news! You have plenty of friends who will be there to help get you by … Thank goodness for best buds. As long as you toke time to soak up some of the summer sun and burn one down with your closest partners in chronic, you will be able to make it through the hazy days in the highest of spirits.
Your energy will be best spent focused in the workplace, Stoner Cancer. This doesn’t mean you should neglect other aspects of life, rather it will require less effort to keep them in positive standing. Be confident in your contributions, but remember to listen to the input from others. You will experience the best results if you team up on the tough problems facing the crew.
Don’t waste time butting heads with those who doubt successful outcomes. Seek out those you work with who want to reach the next level of greatness. Some believe the grass is greener on the other side. You and your closest cannabis comrades at work understand that a garden only produces as much as you put in. So, as long as you keep investing yourself fully into each project, the harvests will always be worth the heavy grind.
Because of your insistence toward spreading the good vibes, you are likely to be surprised at your own ability to turn foes into friends. Even the greatest grudges can be no match for the peace pipe! The healing powers of the sacred herb can overcome the deepest divides, and help to create long lasting bonds. Just be sure to pay attention to the intentions of others. Not everyone wishes you harm, but some will hold you back from your full potential.
It will be important to find this balance. Not everyone will always be headed in the same direction. Just know where you want to go, and align yourself with those who are down for the ride. While you may not always agree on how to get there, your true partners-in-chronic will always stick with you through the hazy times to get to the final destination.