Aquarius Stoner Horoscope September

Aquarius Stoner Horoscope September

Stoner Aquarius September will mark a period of great transition. Courage has been building like water behind a dam. This month the dam finally gives way. Bold decisions will be allowed to flow freely to their natural progressional position.

Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to reinforce confidence. Repeat the mantra of famed psychologist Stewart Smalley, “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and dog-gonit people like me.” This change has been building for some time. The planets have aligned to create a window of opportunity that supports this bold move. Seek clarity of insight with a balanced hybrid sacred strain this month. Find the inspiration of the creative Sativah, and the nerve soothing chill of the Indica. You will need emotional balance to execute this physical change.

Of course this transformation will be unique to each stoner Aquarius. No matter the size or depth of the decision, each stoner Aquarius must seek the confidence and resolve to execute their grand plan. Toke time for medicated meditative smoke sessions throughout the month. Solo sessions are advised, but sometimes a deep intimate session with a cannabis companion can inspire confidence, and strengthen resolve.

Whether your grand change is as large as moving your physical location, or as basic as a new hairstyle, the effects of this change will reverberate through multiple perspectives. Fellow tokin terrestrial astronauts will now see you differently, and perhaps you will see yourself in a new light as well. Confidence in self and understanding of shifting perspectives will be a large aspect of the meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb. Smoke on this stoner Aquarius: You cannot control the reaction of cannabis companions, but you can control your expectations of their reaction. Limit your expectations, and focus on yourself.

One big blessing of this transformative period will be the potential additions to your expanding smoke circle. Tons of fellow midnight tokers and backyard puffers will be buzzing about. You may not be able to puff puff participate in every pot pow-wow, but the options and opportunities will be like a warm smile from a new friend.

Smokin Js Anniversary

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