Aquarius Stoner Horoscope March 2019

Aquarius Stoner Horoscope March 2019

Stoner Aquarius you will go through the month of March with pep in your step, and plenty of green in your pipe. So don’t worry, be happy. After all, what’s there to be down about? The birds are singing a song of love to announce the arrival of spring, and flowers are starting to bud. The cosmos will offer universal support in all matters of the heart. Not only in the romantic sense, but with friends and familial relationships as well. Your good vibes and attitude will be contagious. Your aura is sure to attract more positive minded canna-buddies, than negative naysayers. We cannot always stop the haters from hating, but you can choose who you include in your smoke circle. If you are selective with your strains, and who you decide to smoke them with, you will always be able to rise above the fray.

The work sphere will be all about collaboration this month. While you are ultimately responsible for the quality of your work, teaming up will mean more minds for troubleshooting the tough issues. This will allow you to break down big daunting tasks into smaller manageable assignments. Whether your peers at work are cannabis enthusiasts, or straight edge entrepreneurs, partnering up will open endless opportunities and help maximize creative energy. Now is the time to take a chance on ideas that may have previously sounded too far on the fringe. Those stoner Aquarius’ who are willing to explore the edges of creativity and implement unconventional strategies, will reach greater levels of success in March. Save the tokin’ for appropriate times stoner Aquarius. Not everyone is good with the ganja; so get a feel for collaborator’s comfort level before you invite them to spark one up.

Stoner Aquarius you have too much good will going to let the haters get you down. Stand up for yourself, and share your kindness with all those you encounter. And with those who are down to light one up, be generous with your sacred herb. Take time to soak in all the wonders of the world. March will include perfect moments of reflection to count your blessings. You don’t have to look for greener gardens stoner Aquarius; you are already surrounded by a thriving, lush environment. Be sure to toke time to smoke a bowl for the soul: Sometimes you need to look inward to better understand the outer world around you.

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