The opening days of August will have most stoner Aquarius feeling that something is askew. If this is the case, the bad news is that the stoner Aquarius will have only themselves to blame. These funky and depressive phases are born out of trying to compete with, or compare yourself to, your cannabis companions, or even stoney strangers. Remember, there will always be someone who will have more fun, more energy, or more success than you. Don’t dwell! This stoned cold truth is not meant to get you down, but rather to reveal this notion: There is no need to get caught in the haze of what others are doing. Instead, focus on your own accomplishments. Ruminations will only result in a restless mind, and will be detrimental to personal progress.
While the forecast is looking cloudy for the first part of the month, rest assured there are brighter days on the horizon. The early start may be marred with difficulties and a healthy dose of depressed contemplation. However, the latter half will be a welcomed contrast bringing relief from anxiety, and personal successes in the form of spiritual growth. The full moon on the 15th will mark a literal and figurative split between the pains and pleasures of the period.
You are not helpless stoner Aquarius. The feeling of being lost or left behind can be all consuming. But, you have the power of choice. So puff, puff and pass on the internal judgements. Seek comfort and healing in the sacred herb. When the opportunity arises, seek comfort with your best buds or cannabis cohorts.
You know yourself best stoner Aquarius: If socializing is not the best cure for your summer blues, know that there is equal comfort and honor to be found in solo smoke sessions. Whether it’s passing a Jay with the smoke circle, or packing solo bowls in your safe place, pursue your peace and puff towards your bliss stoner Aquarius.
In the end, this month will be a practice in perspective. Whether through medicated meditation or making the most of the summer sun, the season will be a mirror into being your best self. Once it is understood that perspective is only how you view yourself within our human experience, then you can you truly progress. Improve your self, and reveal to the cosmos all that you can accomplish.