Aquarius, although autumn is upon us, be sure to recharge those batteries and soak up as much of the dwindling sunlight as the seasons will allow. With the ever shortening sun at your back, your attitude can only benefit. This is not to say that November will be completely smooth sailing, however, with your stockpile of positive energies you should be able to avoid any drastic or dire situations that come your way.
In the workplace, keep it pushing. If you feel like your actions and efforts on the job are going unnoticed, fear not. Even if your employer is not giving you direct credit for your efforts, your results speak for themselves. So don’t fret. Continue to show all your potential and capabilities and the acknowledgements will soon follow. In the meantime, when you get the chance to relax do so with extra vigor. To counter the hard work you put in during the nine-to-five, don’t forget to allow yourself the time to unwind at home. Spark one up and then enjoy the fresh fall air while the rain isn’t dampening your groove.
Things on the home front may seem a little more bumpy than usual. But, with the help of our wonderful muse Mary Jane, home life will conduct itself a little more smoothly. Remember that although you can help those around you, it is not always possible to fix others’ problems completely. It is always considered kind to offer to share the chronic relief, but this will not always be the solution. Sometimes the best remedy is to offer to share—if that is not what that person needs then the next best thing may be a simple as to offer to listen.