Stoner Aquarius, this March do all that you can to keep your priorities in order. Remember that you have to make it, to spend it, to smoke it—and always in that order. There is smoke before the fire, but keep in mind that if we get too much smoke in our eyes we will not be able to focus on the flame. Your motivation to accomplish your goals, (maybe ones that you’ve had for awhile) is only surpassed by your abilities to get things done.
While some may warn against having our heads in the clouds, you acknowledge that from up there you get a better view and can better tackle the issues at hand. As long as you keep your business time and your burn time separate, there is literally nothing you won’t be able to get done. So, Aquarius, use it or lose it. You have amazing insight into where you want to go and what you want to do. This month you will only have yourself to blame if you do not reach those goals. If you choose not to pursue your passions and let the days roll by without making progress towards your goals, you are the one who ultimately loses out. This is not a criticism, but a warning. You have all the resources that you need to accomplish ALL that you want to. Dive in stoner Aquarius. Show people that you can smoke with the best of them but that your realm expands far beyond the confines of your couch.
While you are handling your affairs in the business field, be sure to save some energies and positivity for the home. It is not guaranteed that things will go badly. But, just like our favorite cannabinoid-containing plant, our relationship will dwindle if it is not watered with love and affection. Just remember that when it is time relax and burn one down after that long and prosperous day that you include those special stoners in your life.