Stoner Aquarius the universe will shine down calm soothing rays of influence upon you in February. As long as the work is done, there should be no large challenges or surprises this period. This is the perfect moment for self reflection and discovery. Toke deep upon the sacred herb, and let the positive cosmic rays wash over and through you. Seek trust that fate will draw you into your next triumph!
The stoner Aquarius will find that February’s calm winds strongly support investment into the self. The earlier this is done the better. Toke time for a deep medicated meditative dive with the sacred herb early in the month. Envision a positive plan for self actualization. Seek healing and growth mentally, physically, and emotionally. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to dream big. But big smoky dreams are only half the battle, you’ve got to act within a well formed plan.
Integrity is of vital importance for the stoner Aquarius during this period. Even the most gentle streams turn muddy if you churn them. White lies could muddy the otherwise crystal clear waters of this period of clarity. Remain true to your true self stoner Aquarius, and be sure to think of the impact of your words before it’s too late. Smoke about it. Deceptive behavior will cloud your third eye.
Cannabis companions and canna-buddies alike will be instrumental in your support in February. Trust in them and they will not let you down. Be open minded to their methods even if they aren’t your own. Remember that in an orchestra, the violin is just as important as a well timed cowbell. Smoke circle expansion and strengthened canna-bonds will occur with an honest effort and a pure heart. Without internal sabotage, this period is set up for progress within yourself and on the terrestrial plane.