Stoner Aquarius, this February you get to do it all. You may have heard the saying “go big, or go home.” This month you don’t have to choose—Go big AND go home. With the Sun at your back and the wind in your hair you will notice a new level of energy and motivation that is uncommon, but very welcomed. February is not about uncharted territories; instead, you will realize that the roadblocks that were keeping you feeling stuck can be knocked down and that boundaries are only there in our imagination.
You may surprise yourself this month Aquarius, when you notice that the job in front of you might be a little easier without a joint in the hand. The plus side to putting a little less green in the bowl is that you’ll find a little more green in the wallet. Focus these newly found finances on advancing your smoking quality as a reward for the solid work being accomplished. Within this month’s theme of advancement, consider upgrading our smoking efficiency instead of just packing a bigger bowl. It saves green all around and its healthiness may result in a new found clarity.
Feeling fresh and accomplished from all this optimization budding around, you’ll find yourself grooving through the second half of the month. Your inner peace will extend beyond yourself. Those around you will benefit from the coolness of your insight and your positive attitude will boost up the relationships of those around you. In short, February will be a blazing win for you!